Section: New Results

Advanced tools for data management

Participants : Olivier Collin [contact] , Dominique Lavenier, François Moreews, Olivier Sallou, Anthony Bretaudeau, Jonathan Piat.

  • Annotation and databases: The AnnotQTL server is a tool designed to gather the functional annotation of genes from several institutional databases for a specific chromosomal region. [14] [Online publication: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/NAR/GKR361] . SigReannot-mart is a query environment populated with regularly updated annotations for different oligo sets. It stores the results of the SigReannot pipeline that has mainly been used on farm and aquaculture species [17] [Online publication: http://database.oxfordjournals.org/content/2011/bar025] . BioMart Central Portal is a first of its kind, community-driven effort to provide unified access to dozens of biological databases spanning genomics, proteomics, model organisms, cancer data, ontology information and more. [11] [Online publication: http://database.oxfordjournals.org/content/2011/bar041] .

  • Bioinformatics Workflow for Intensive Computation SLICEE proposes to abstract the calls to the cluster scheduler by handling command submission and takes care of exploiting the data parallelism. It enables an easy implementation maintaining and sharing for bioinformatics workflows using intensive computation ressources [32] . OBIWEE is a virtual cluster deployment tool associated with SLICEE. It can be deployed either on private cloud or a public cloud architecture. It helps at facing the increasing demand for bioinformatics intensive treatments, in a context of large dissemination of sequencing technologies usages. [29] http://vapor.gforge.inria.fr/ . We also developed a library of bioinformatics softwares implemented on manycore structures such as GPU [27] .